Separate names with a comma.
congrats and welcome! i think you'll find that the Touring's are clearly superior... :) for the wheels if nothing else!
the day i turned 18 i bought one lotto ticket and won $50. haven't played lotto since. the weekend after I turned 21, I went to a casino in...
next time you make that drive and you see the exit signs for kilgore and/or longview, be sure to wave hi to me! :wave:
for crying out loud... nobody mentioned that you have to stop in Amarillo for a *free* 72 oz steak? come on! :) Braum's is good too...
Did you check the sidewall on your potenzas? I have the touring edition and the sidewall on those is 51 (i run them 49/47) so you may be able to...
check oil level?
there is a little country back-road i like to take because i can drive 45 to town in the right lane if there's traffic (p&g if no other traffic)....
I'm 6' 2" as well and I can tell you, the lack of a telescoping wheel nearly kills me on longer trips... it seems like the steering wheel is at a...
i had a 2001 V6 Chevy Malibu and I averaged 32 mpg... i think 38 would be possible with just a little work. however, when my wife took over the...
two thus far... 1st one was when i was 18 and it was 72 in a 45 in a 1994 Nissan Pathfinder. 2nd one was two years ago, 73 in a 70 in a 2000...
*phew* just when you think the forums are about to be overtaken by idiots, Sir Evan the Troll-slayer and Tony the Spam-eater save the day!...
yes. the next poster owns a Touring model.
still makes it really tempting to send 'em a virus in one form or another... ;)
any specific information that could help us determine what's going on? (aka raw data?) i would be about 99% sure it's NOT the traction batt, but...
second on T of Richardson. had mine serviced here where i live (T of Longview) but it started acting funny RIGHT after the service during a golf...
i have twice. the first time i set it on the first notch and was cleaning the windshield when i heard and then saw gas spilling all over the...
one thing i'll tell you... be very careful! it's all too easy to decide to take roadtrips or random excursions because it's just so fun! (not to...
geez... i wish! if i have A/C on and drive 63 w/ CC (my typical "slot" for hwy driving) i MIGHT get 47. sometimes i wonder if the Touring gets...
what about a 5th gen, v5.1 for $30? ;)
awesome! i actually just took a job teaching 8th grade keyboarding (and one period of 6th grade math) it'll be my first year teaching, so we'll...