Separate names with a comma.
do you think that would bring the gas prices down, followed by prices of food, etc.? Which can lead to more people saving. I know it's a very...
Well, I used to drive like a maniac with my 2002 Pathfinder. That SUV was torquey and I could really push it. Since switching to the Prius C, I've...
I wish the speedometer/display was at 12'o clock position of steering wheel. No one else in the car needs to know how fast I'm going or what the...
Yeah, I filled up this morning just after the blinking started. It only took in 8.3 gallaons. So, there was a little more than a gallon to go...
I always go to the blinking light but I guess I'll stop doing that. Glad you were able to get it going again.
I just had the maintenance done for 10K miles. It's basically an oil change. The total came out to $83.89. $50 for labor. Is is just me or is...
Yes it does. For me, I figured 5-6 years.
9200 miles and no issues. Consumer Reports names most reliable cars - (1) - CNNMoney economical, reliable, and efficient.
Was your membership expiring? LoL! Nicely done! You sure drink a lot of coffee. :) I'm an addict.
wow, you base that statement on one incident. that's significant. i'm sure plenty of people have gotten speeding tickets with their prius. next...
We all know we drive an "efficient" car. The whole purpose of the forum is to ask, share, and explore. Go crap on someone else's thread if you...
Thanks. EVerything turned out fine. I'm glad that the car is capable just in case. It sounds like you got home in a hurry. I am thoroughly...
Just curious as to how fast people have gone in their PC. I had an emergency and gone up to 90 mph on the highway. I'm surprised that it can get...
I had similar concerns right when I was about to pick up the car. I'm single, but could always use more room. It's my daily driver so I don't...
Congrats OP! What the?!? How are you folks getting crazy gas mileage. The best I can do is around 55 mpg. I've inflated the tires to...
Sounds like people are getting good deals even in the East Coast. Well, I don't feel so bad because a) I'm not a recent graduate(so no $1k rebate...
I had a hard time getting it to work. First Copy the BBCode from Fuelly and insert it to Sig page using the Codebutton. Select General Code and...
$22.5K OTD including All Weather Mats and Cargo Tray.
People are f'n retarded. Just today, I was going up a long hill on a single lane route. Speed limit is 50. I'm doing 50. This bitch in a silver...
Wow, some great deals out on the West side. In NJ, the best I'm getting is $500 off of MSRP. Anyone getting better in NJ/NY area? Edit: I guess...