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Let us know how you get on with fuel eco. Are you in the UK?
North Yorkshire :)
Funny... [media]
I'm guessing you would?
This poll is daft.
I think we are over egging the pudding a bit here. I had Civic IMA , it was a fine car. Regularly saw 55mpg (Imp) tanks. The IMA system, whilst...
Lol. I was waiting for someone to point this out.
This is true. But these 2 are pretty much common between all brands. Mazda Honda VW Ford Citroen Can all have these issues, as others... Sent...
Wow. This is quite some precedent - there must be barely a car out there where most drivers reach the published mpg figure on...
It isn't so much the turbos and fuel pumps. It's these two which have effected reliability of diesels over the last 5 years or so: -Dual-mass...
I think they may be all over this post then! :)
Oh yes we do. As a UK Citizen that has been frequently to the US for vacations/work/visting relatives, I find the attitude of a lot of US...
They do say Ireland is the 51st State.
:) Yeah, I think the official figure is 70+ which in itself is better than the std diesel version. Plus, you are getting 200bhp. Given the...
It would be interesting to get some real world MPG on this. I was fairly excited about this car (apart from its looks) until I saw the Autocar...
If there is a mortgage on it, the bank will insist on it.
Interesting that in the UK we never refer to this brake as an 'emergency' brake. It is either called the hand brake or the parking brake. I'd...
I have seen a couple of Gen 2s with the beige\cream interior on UK Autotrader. Very rare though. Love it. My wife hates beige interiors for sone...
That's the good thing about the UK, all the dealer auctions are open to the public - higher buyer's premium though. Last time I was at an auction...
Question is, who will buy this Prius with 465k? Coming to an auction house near you....