Separate names with a comma.
"I use a JavaScript-and-other-mischief-blocker" In my case, it wouldn't even give me a CAPTCHA (which I think is an issue inherent in Safari), so...
"permanently out of stock" I looked on Amayama last night, and if you use the 'old' part numbers (Mendel put them up), you'll get parts from the...
"If others are so worried about it, let them buy the cover for you." Indeed. Give the man a break; he is obviously fastidious, or he'd be dead in...
"How did you control the fan speed?" Pretty sure you don't have to; when engaged, the Prolong system runs the HV fan at full speed.
"These types of issues can cause random codes to pop up." Um, sir, could we have a reference to back up this conjecture? Thanks.
"I’m hard pressed to remember breakfast." I resemble that comment...o_O
"cmon, just cus he said it’s like an oil change you start baiting him??" This is his essential (to him) task on PriusChat...
Not exactly sure what your question pertains to, but THIS may be of use (YouTube video of a second 12V battery install).
"Get a Jack Russell Terrier. It will find the rats and kill them. No poisons needed, if you are afraid to kill them that way." Exept that then,...
"using the PWR mode ." Will NOT actually add more power to the Prius than is already there; it will only change the response curve of the...
"I second the red bullet but also would mention a K&N air filter and pulstar spark plugs and if you need a lighter HV battery then go with the Dr....
Good thing you're handy, but they should've stepped up for an obvious (no matter how old) quality control defect like that. Full disclosure: I...
"this assumes the gen 3 has an underhood jump point like the Gen 2" Which it does, indeed. In addition, were you to go to YouTube and put this in...
"btw, don't drive in electric, you're gonna kill the battery and your mpg's" Right, and oh, while you're at it, please do yourself a favor and...
"great designs have the flow across a magnet" Last time I checked, dirt (and/or sludge) doesn't stick to a magnet....
"it doesn't trigger when I put it in reverse." You might (probably do) need one of THESE. I got one (from Crutchfield) when I replaced my JBL/Nav...
"One of many videoclips from NutzAboutBolts about Prius stuff." Also: be SURE to see the NutzAboutBolts video on Prius brake bleeding (which is...
"The engine is wound up but not too bad." What does that even MEAN?
That's a 242 mile round trip. Perhaps you could call and hire an Uber to BRING the part to you. Along with a gallon of the correct Prius pink...
So. What you SEEM to be saying: even GOOD batteries (which we've started with...we people who use battery maintainers because we don't use the car...