Separate names with a comma.
You are definitely braver than I am. From what I've read here, it isn't pleasant to run out of gas in one of these. However, I'm really impressed!
The screenshots for the Nuvi paired with this thing look pretty cool! Unfortunately the Garmin website:...
I use a DashDaq and have made a gauge for total ICE power output: Power output (kW or HP) = appropriate_constant*RPM*ICE_engine_torque With your...
You've also got dual exhaust. Is that a clamp on thing onto the existing exhaust pipe or have you changed the muffler?
Well, I think it is going to take an awful lot more diagnostics if you really want to figure out what is going on. However, it is not likely there...
Bob, That's a cute little logging accelerometer package. Is it this one? GCDC X6-1A Usb-Accelerometer 3-axis Data Recorder Also that was a...
With a Gauss meter? What are your trying to measure and why? Are you trying to measure the fringing fields from the two MGs? The field from the...
No Just the switch. Good job! Did you have any trouble pulling the harness through the firewall?
As far as I was able to tell, these are extra parts. Have fun!!
Well, many of us are technically interested in how the car functions, and the HSI is a far from complete representation of what is actually going...
Thanks for the info! Unfortunately, like you I have the old one (manufactured 10/09, bought 03/10). ARRGHGHGH!
I recommend these articles by Hobbit: Sweet spot refinement and HSI The first article discusses the benefits of using the ICE in its highest...
Josh, Now you have me worried! Getting stranded really sucks, especially if it takes several days to get a replacement part. I imagine the...
Interesting. Seems like a lot to lose for a 4% cost difference, but it does lower the cost of entry which is always a good thing!
So how much do you actually save buying a I over a II? thinks the price in Hawaii is basically list price, where we are paying...
They have the dealer's name on them but I believe they came in the mail from Toyota. The service dude said that they were worth $30 worth of...
Not to speak for Mr. Beale, but he did say "(along with all the other Prius sales made from that dealership)", which means he was already on their...
Hmmm. I purchased mine in March and I got 5000 mile oil change coupons...
In my opinion, negotiating based on monthly payments is a complete scam. If you are tempted, then I would negotiate the selling price, the...
I put a link to sharp's (the owner of the plasmacluster trademark) product page in this post:...