Separate names with a comma.
MeethinKs you shooK a few posters out of the woodworK.
Thanks SiliconHybrid! This is the news I was looking for. Basically the unit does not remember the last power state setting - it turns itself...
I agree. Now all we need to do is get the others to post their preference - don't be shy! kabin? Native_Prius? chris_waas? YBNormal?...
Does the Cyron unit remember the power state setting when you cycle power or do you have to turn it on every time using the keypad? In other...
Yes, except when I've been spammed by Jeanette, the Evangelical Buddhist. <delete><delete><delete> :mad: The next poster needs to write up...
BAM! Way to KicK it up a notch, Moxie!
Here's another site I use called Gas Price Watch: GPW
This is such a great idea. Use a non-standard battery that you can't buy anywhere so you can charge 3x what it's worth! Pure genius! If you...'re living on the edge there, Galaxee. I never let mine go below 2 pips. Nope, I'm too tired right now to be goofy. The next...
Yes. I guess it's nice that Danny fixes stuff during the day when some of us are at work, so when some of us come home at night all is right...
Oh, offer was early I see. Though I didn't offer to carry all your gear! ;) The next poster is looking at photos of Mercury...
Right now, early evening on Friday the 25th would work best for me (or any Friday for that matter), since I'll be in N. Scottsdale anyways....