Separate names with a comma.
Thank you for a useful reply, it is greatly appreciated. "You did it wrong" with no amplifying correction isn't much help. I go through 10,000...
And what do you think is the proper grease to use?
I just rotated my tires and did the thorough brake inspection this weekend. First thorough brake inspection since I bought this car 10,000 miles...
Looking at that procedure, I don't see why you would need to remove the screws and the cup holder itself. But I haven't taken that side trim...
Was it reset properly when the oil was last changed? You have to manually reset it, there is no automatic reset just because the oil was changed.
Chilton says first you remove the trim around the shift lever. That just pulls straight up. Disconnect the connectors going to the switches on...
I would check for current drain with the vehicle turned off: [MEDIA]
I'm up in Stanwood, WA. I upgraded my headlights to OPT-7 Bolt AC 55W 5000K HIDs and I love them: Bolt AC Series: 55w HID Kit - OPT7 There are...
The permanent connections available in/near the fusebox were shown in the links given in Mendel Leisk's post #2.
To use the XP-10 Jump Starter with permanent connections at the fuse box you would need to connect this harness instead of the standard battery...
When you run over something like that, you don't want to blindly reverse either, though. You want to stop right where it is, get out and look to...
I haven't had an alignment done my Prius yet, but when I did have it done on my Mazda 3 there was a spot on the printout specifically for how far...
The Bosch battery is still on sale at Pep Boys for $143, free installation, but also very easy to do yourself.
Since it is no longer listed, I guess it was a good deal for somebody? I paid $9,000 for my 2011 Three with leather and nav (no sunroof) and...
I replaced the stock reverse light bulbs with super bright 5000K LEDs and am very happy. Get projector type LEDs. I've also replaced the turn...
Ummmm....... I would need a pretty tall ladder to add a quart like that.
I used Carista and a cheap bluetooth OBDII scanner to change my settings. You get to change quite a few other settings with Carista as well....
Remove the passenger side windshield wiper. Who cares if the passenger can see when it is raining?! For that matter keep the driver's side...
You missed it, probably because it was misspelled. Read post #14.
And they make such a big show about how much you are "holding them up" and "slowing them down", then they roar past you like you are driving a...