Separate names with a comma.
Have same issue 1636 -3002 and 3060 Did replacement of12v battery help? Thanks Don
Where is this sensor located?
Yes it is a P. I replaced main battery 20k miles ago as a complete unit.
2002 with 445k has constant 3060 code Original cat converter. Stumbles and misses out. Replaced plugs and wires. No change. When code is...
I am having a problem finding Gen 1 forum. Very little patience and very little time. These cars keep me very busy as I like to fix stuff myself....
Do both fans kick on when pushing AC button. How do they operate . 2002 Thanks
Yes definite pain. That may have played into not doing both wheels
I was lazy that day and a lot of shoe material was still leftover I have the two shoes in a box and am listening for the help wanted noise
Replaced battery at 424k Replaced trans fluid at 355k Replaced Ft pads twice and RR once. LR original. 39.5 mpg lifetime Changed oil 3500 miles...
Sorry it’s a Gen 1. 2002
My gen 1 has passed 400k and records as should
My 02 with iridium spark plug is .39 on #1 cyl and shows misfire. Told not to gap when new. What is actual gap supposed to be?
Ok will do that check. Need a better ob2 scanner. Need more detail Thank you
the rough idle and the codes 171 and 300s came before it got hot only once. No change is running. Don’t believe head is damaged. Do the fans not...
Rough idle and neither fans are coming oom leading to overheating Also codes 300 ; cylinder misfire What would be the obvious setting a 171 code?
Is there a video on Gen1 temperature sensor unit R&R? Thanks
02 has rough idle and no radiator fan when AC is on. Which relay is for fans. Code 117? Thanks
What issue?