Separate names with a comma.
I recently encountered a problem with my Ottonavi the system reset and dumped my settings like Eamp brightness...etc. I managed to get some of the...
Read post 67 also see picture 20 and 21 you need to connect the Blue (Reverse) wire to the reverse lights or to PIN 29 this wire will give power...
Yes make sure to connect the Blue wire to either the reverse light or wire that gives you +12VDC when the car is in reverse this will trigger the...
I figured this out thanks for any one that had any input to this. Now I noticed when streaming music using the A2DP feature or connecting my...
Ok, I opened the sys.txt file located inside the iGo8 folder and this is all that's there no port, Baudrate or Protocol lines inside my sys.txt...
I'll double check when I get in but I though I scrolled all the way to the bottom. Thanks
Here is my dumb question? I dont know where to edit this information into the sys.txt file I don't see the com port, bandiate or NMEA info. Here's...
So Erikon, if I connect this wire to the reverse lights this will trip the HU to auto switch to the reverse screen? Also connectIng the power +ve...
Question about Blue reverse wire? What does this wire do? Supply power to the camera while the HU switches to the reverse camera screen? Or is it...
Use Cable E on your photos for JBL
Is this feature only available on the 2012 models since I've never seen this on my 2011?
Thanks for the input! Does anyone else here with one of these HU have a JBL system and have any problems with sound quality or any other problems?
Does your Prius have JBL or non JBL system?
The camera that comes with the deal is a larger one with small IR LED's around the lense I would recommend asking for the Toyota Camry these...
I just picked up my unit today from the post office shipping to Canada was quick I ordered on June 25. Only disapointment is I can't find my mic,...
I find it hard to get use to this new look!:confused:
Hi all I've searched the forum but cant seem to find anything on this topic I wanted to tap the camera from the rear view mirror and bring the...
I beleive the Advent line is very close to the OEM since I email Audiovox for a dealer in Canada and they said I must go to a Toyota dealer since...
Must be caused from the electric magnet in the motor:mod:
Does this electronic system really work I read mixed reviews about this on the net.