Separate names with a comma.
I never heard of snake oil
I can do that tonight I’ll take it autozone tonight
I hate when the Prius have problems
What are thee codes?
How do you get the orange triangle I only get the red triangle when I have a problem
If it then Toyota will have to replace the engine.
Well if you want money for your call then yes If you don’t want money than no traded it in It’s up too you really
] you should sell the car to someone first like Prius hybrid repair in Annapolis or to green tec in Bowie or green bean any big business like that...
It’s not normal for it not to charge? What happened?
Yes it will it need to be 12v-12.9 to be working I usually have it at 12.7v.
Does it need to be replaced or discharged. to 12.7v?
I tested the voltage and it was to super high do you think it was overcharging the 12v? It tested at 14.2V? Can I discharge it to 12.7V? I have a...
Is C1241 the hybrid battery or 12V Battery? C1241 means c1241 high or low battery positive voltage because I got a red triangle on my car this...
I put gas in and it fixed the problem and cleared the codes. Sorry I never got back to this post. I been busy.
My friend was visiting Walt Disney world and universal studios and rented a 2018 Prius v and has the codes 3102 and 3191 he has to return the car...
Lol that was problem they changed the oil today.
It needs to be replaced by hybrid shop.
Hey I got an oil change today they put 4.1 in and Goodyear replaced my oil any ideas?
Nothing is free my friend, besides Diagnostics!