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Here is the link: March 2016 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Sales Report Card Please provide the correct numbers if these are incorrect.
Insideevs scorecard for March: Volt -1865 Plug In Prius - 7 It looks like Toyota took your advice instead of GM.
The answer is yes, but because those processes need yesterday's energy. The issue comes down to the energy source for making all the raw...
Need all the facts to know the truth. Folks who screw around with stuff often leave out some critical details. How does one "find" something in...
In my working life I engineer aviation flight control hardware and software. I have to vent here. Virtually nobody "shares" reversed engineered...
I'm not ready to say that. The availability and price of something extracted always oscillates as demand conditions change. Oil, coal, natural...
As a full scale project, that is true, but the battery and motor developments of the EV RAV-4 was technology previously developed and strongly...
It's hard to believe that Gigafactory is coming online without the Li supply fully understood and worked out by Tesla. Setting up those supply...
What is not a WAG is that most of the posters here are not the common man, so the 5-10 BEV window for the exceptional, far-sighted, buyer is valid.
If the common mans BEV is only 5-10 years away, all the infrastructure (batteries, motors, electronics, manufacturing plants, fast charging...
What is it your desire GM do? Get out of the car business? Make only gas guzzlers? Return to there previous culture of making yesterday's...
I'm not sure many Prius and Tesla owners would agree with that statement.
I don't have the option with Duke Energy. (They destroyed their one nuclear plant and have converted coal plants to natural gas, so nuclear and...
I'm not baffled. If the Volt has a Toyota pedigree, then it would be a far different story. GM spend years making shoddy cars and a fossilized...
Actually, you know your EV history. Both our accounts are based on actual EV numbers.
Mostly Volts, a smattering of i3s, and a i5. I don't know that Florida has more, but the driving conditions (flat, no snow, little use of...
I see it completely and totally different. The first surge of EVs over a decade ago was entirely due to the CARB zero pollution vehicle mandate....
The sun. Sunshine provides 1 kW of power per square meter. The amount of space needed to provide the power for the US could be just the existing...
There are definitely supporting aspects of your points. But there are also counterpoints. Rather than say you points are 100% correct or 100%...
Whatever battery chemistries are used for EVs, all of the key elements will need to be obtained at vastly greater rates. The real concern is how...