Separate names with a comma.
Terrific! I truly do like the look. Upscale, yet modest. Did the TPMS move over ok? Let me know if you find caps that fit. If I get something...
10-4; I did forget about the smart key, definitely a plus.
I didn't need a 3, but the one we wanted was a 3. If the little red bugger were a 2 we would have bought it anyway, if it were a 4 we still would...
I don't think you cheated, I think that was the best choice. I tried to get that particular option but I could not, actually it was almost a deal...
I totally understand. I ran the same route. First I considered aftermarkets, then everything that had a 4X100 bolt pattern that came stock on...
Can you post a picture of the well nuts please? Those will be my next attempt. My rear plate rattle has improved but not eliminated.
Looking forward to your pics.
I like them! When I was shopping I wanted to limit my wheel diameter to 15" so I could use my existing tires. These look to be 16's. I did look at...
OK ya 'all, If we get busted by the moderator, send me a PM, and I'll tell you the story - but if I don't get busted for hijacking this thread -...
Thanks! I thought it was the jack handle parts and have repacked it and rewedged it under the spare. Then I wedged the license plate, better not...
Sort of; put item 140746216000 into ebay and although ended, these have been relisted.Once there you can go to their store or ask a question....
Jonathan F/2, I don't know where you are on your Scion wheel, but if it helps you out, I bought mine from Import Tire Co. (Glastonbury, CT) I paid...
I just installed a Curt, 15min, paid $126.79 shipped.[ATTACH]
Awesome! It delivered excellent fuel economy (47.6 actual mileage for the entire trip). It was comfortable the entire trip - including the return...
It was pretty dark. I wouldn't say it was "dirty", but dark like I had some upper end temperatures in it. It would have been fine for 10k I'm...
Ya, that was my concern too. I took the EZ route and had the sensors mounted in the tires as they were when I had them on the car originally. I...
I had heaters installed by the dealer prior to delivery of my 3. It added $430.40 to the purchase price. Not saying that the "Stealership" would...
Same problem with my iPhone, contacts transferred but none of the associated phone numbers. I entered the important ones manually and realized...
Thanks, I weighed both the steels and the alloys, but I question the borrowed scale. It was the same scale both times but I swear the steelies...
I did mine early at 5k. I had just finished a 3200 mile road trip that experienced extremes both in temperatures and altitudes, so for less that...