Separate names with a comma.
Looks good! What is the % of your tint?
Thats a good idea, I am tired of my jacket smelling like pizza for a few days after I zip the pizza boxes in it. I like meter plug idea, should...
I had the "tree sap" like issue on my 8 mile Prius pip when I got it in September. It was only on my windshield. It felt bumpy and the windshield...
It might be the hill start assist control. Does it beep at you when you are stopped? then you notice the light? Triangle with exclamation point?...
Consistant baby steps makes a big difference. What if everyone's car shut off when they were stopped? Go think Big!
Sometimes when I am driving on the highway and all these "normal" cars are around me I think "They don't they get it." "They have no clue."
I think you guys are over analyzing this... Just press the MPH / km/h button! mine is a '12 pip. I wonder if the wiring is already there and you...
This ride will not let you down. I Just filled up after a 671 miles. 67 mpg. 10 gallons on fill up. I charge once a day, 32 miles round trip.
I have had my PIP for 4 months, they just offererd me through the mail last month, 13 months 175 27 months 334 41 months 493 Then today I got...
Design of the filled in G solved...The G a design supports the pin to insert into the fender.
Seems like PriusKitty is getting a lot of static around here! I have noticed that static issue in mine also. I have it on my list for the dealer...
Looks smooth!
Is it peel and stick?
Should the dial button illuminate when the dash lights are on? The gas door and km/mph illuminate, should this one also, mine currently does not....
Hurricane Sandy Reveals A Flaw in the Toyota Prius | Automotive News Blog - Tom's Foreign Auto Parts
Maybe one of these...[ATTACH] bolted on the post.
I am right with you. A few days after driving my Pip, I would look around and think, do any of these people get it? Last week I hit a deer....
I was at Walmart before Sandy hit and saw this... do you think all the formulas are the same and the advertising is different? Could the plug...
The dealership I purchased my PIP from had my test drive car charged and read to go, they have a level 2 Leviton installed right outside the...
Hybrid System Indicator, like the one rocker dans pic. I had a strange drive to work today, started with an EV of 12.2. I usually get to my work...