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It turns out I did it right the first time: Noob question (where's the battery location?)...
Okay that's probably what I did wrong. Maybe it was pulling charge but hardly any.
Ah okay, so let me get this straight. Whenever a battery needs a jump-start, the car with the good battery should have the jumper cables attached...
Do I need to attach the jumper cables to the BMW battery or the jump points?
I'm not sure if I am doing it configuration properly. However every BMW E90 video I watched, those are the 2 terminal points. The prius I might...
Hi guys, I am trying to jump my 2004 prius with my 2007 e90 BMW. My wife said she saw a couple sparks from the negative end on the Prius hood...
Help my Techstream does not have an option to disable reverse beep?? What questions do you need to ask me first?
Agree. Seems like i might limp into 300,000 miles. Only 47,000 more to go. Thank you for all the help
Okay I got the car back from my mechanic nearly a week ago after a new coolant control valve replacement and it appears the issues have been...
Just called mechanic. Car is ready, no problems reported during the valve & coolant replacements. Will update with a drive review.
Hi dolj, Thank you, radiator cap coolant level is o.k. I simply topped off the overflow reservoir and have not noticed any changes in the level....
I also noticed P1121 says "Throttle / Pedal Position sensor". Beginning to think there's an issue somewhere else and that it's not the Coolant...
Guys check out this post from HTMLSpinner to a person that had idling issues. I'm still having the issue of my engine never shutting off (P0505 -...
What does CHRS stand for? I'm just going to take it in tomorrow to my mechanic and explain everything I've learned this far. I just hope he'll...
ICE will not stop idling both before and after refilling the reservoir. Is that the new P0505? Do I need to clean the throttle body? Thinking I...
Guys I just put a funnel into the radiator cap and it displaced coolant. The funnel displaced coolant up to the base of the funnel. Turns out...
Alright yeah I got confused because in the video he is activating a "pump" with a voltmeter of some sorts (thought this was the inverter pump) and...
I don't have that voltmeter thing to manually force the inverter pump to jump start. Can I just turn the car on READY mode for the same effect?
Okay I understand. How do I check it? Just simply remove the radiator cap? How full does it have to be? What if it has issues going down by...
Would you speculate P0505 is stemmed off from the engine idling due to low coolant? How do I check the radiator? Would the overflow reservoir...