Separate names with a comma.
fasteners, I believe
I had a couple of burnt valves on my 89 jag, which required new heads and head gaskets. only risk on this Prius is that the head may need to be...
With kids and dogs as cargo, i'd go with the softex or whatever they call the make-believe leather.
A month ago I opted for the 5 with the ATP goodies, and I like the extra margin of safety they give me (translation, my wife insisted on the...
The choice for me was between the Prius and the Ford Fusion Hybrid. I opted for the Prius (P-5 with the advanced technology package) not for the...
97 miles including 35 when it was driven over from a dealership in another state. Delivered 6/22/13, and it now has about 1,300 on it, 400 of...
my two cents is save the money and just put it into a slush fund to cover the excess mileage. and add to that fund the money you are saving on...
I'm another NOVA Prius driver (a month-old 2013 P-5) what i'm reading here tracks what my understanding is from looking at the DMV site. I don't...
Is it possible to call up your phone contacts list while driving? I was unable to do that on a drive yesterday, though as soon as I stopped and...
My two cents is to cancel and get your money back. The dealer wouldn't see it if they weren't making money on it. It's just an insurance policy....
Thanks very much. I'll try those directions in the morning.
My preference is to have the audio screen on and then toggle to the nav map. I spent an hour in the car with the instruction book this afternoon...
I'm a two-week owner of a new P-5 with the technology package. I am very happy with the vehicle. Even short runs for errands with the engine cold...
I would opt for the local dealer. negotiate your deal, then give them the CarMax offer and ask them to match it. that's what I did with my...
Thanks to all re Entune and Blackberry. I guess I will just let this option sit until I get closer to retirement and get a smart phone. With a...
wow. I am impressed. I just filled up for the first time on a car purchased 6/22/13. Nine gallons and 404 miles (with A/C in automatic), with one...
A question for those of you very familiar with Entune. I have a 10-day-old '13 Prius Five. I work for the Feds and have a government-issue...
Ditto on two years. I bleed my Jag brakes every two years. Brake fluid is hygroscopic (it absorbs water) and over time you might find it boiling...
My other car is a 15-yer-old Jag XJ6L, and I learned via my Jag friends back when I owned an '89 XJ6 not to let these guys near an oil drain plug...
The fusion hybrid trunk has 12 CF. there is an area closest to you as you stand at the trunk that will take a set of golf clubs, with some room...