Separate names with a comma.
I'd recommend transaxle fluid change as well. very easy. only special part required to do so is the allen key for a socket. but you can get...
Just for future reference if anyone is curious. Here is the tread pattern on the 422 Plus made in Japan
For those of you wondering about the version on tire rack that is made in Japan. Here is the tread on those
whats with the posts recently from these new "owners" with silly complaints and claims.
you signed up for this forum specifically to complain about the windows? Come on... What are your other complaints
ok. let me verify how many i need. I messed up a few of them removing them with the air wrench and now they are rusting. Safe assumption,...
what do you want for 5 lugs shipped?
Is it every cold start? or a cold start AFTER you had previously driven the car a very short distance, say backing it out of the garage and...
well i guess you could say that the tread configuration is a result of standard touring vs grand touring tire?
for those who are wondering.... this is the response I got from Tirerack...about the differences in the two "The only difference between these...
I had those on my 2010. I liked them, but as others had reviewed and stated, they left something to be desired in the winter here in NW...
I've messaged tire rack about the difference. Will see what they say.
Looking at the Ecopia 422 Plus on tirerack see two different 422 Plus One says its clarifier is Toyota, and is listed as Standard Touring...
yeah i under estimated the depths. Im at approx 4/32 . by no means bald. but lower than i thought based on here and there visual inspection....
Something to remember too is that your tire life and wear depends on your driving routes and habits. My commute is 90% highway with very few...
I've driven a 2010 and 2014 for 6+ years now... 50mins each way to work. The seats are not good in my opinion. Always been my biggest...
ah ok, we have no rain in forecast, if some shows up on forecast I'll just throw it back on. not worth the risk to save 20 minutes lol
Would it be ok to drive a few days (given I drive about 100 miles a day) without the plastic protector cover under the engine, the one you have to...
I was saying , you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at my paint that my fender was replaced and painted by a repair shop
can't tell my fender was replaced and painted on my 14 earlier this year.