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My complete car history: 1984 Mazda 626 (used, bought in 1998) 1997 Mazda 626 (used, bought in 2000) 1986 Ford Tempo (my now-wife's car, I only...
Typically set it at the speed limit or slightly above. Makes for a very interesting experience on busy interstates.
Drove from Philly to the Outer Banks and back over the past week, over 900 miles total, including some miscellaneous short trips while on the...
The seats were fine. My only real complaint about the seating is that it's not especially comfortable resting my left leg except when stretched...
Celebrating my 20th annual 18th birthday next month
Step up from the car I traded ('02 Mazda Protege5) in everything but handling. Step up from the other car I own ('09 Mazda5) in everything but...
Just got my Prius a few days ago, but haven't had any issues with the seats yet. I have a long trip from Philly to the Outer Banks coming up this...
Just got a new to me Prius myself, last Friday. Mine is a 2010 III. Still haven't emptied the tank, so I'm not sure what mileage I've been...