Separate names with a comma.
You have to have the SKS option. Does your door handle have a little button on it? If yes, you have the SKS option. Does your fob have a silver...
Great thread. I recently had a cell in my RFE start to show signs of plating. I've only had the system for ~1 year. I rarely discharge the...
Yes, it is. The OP wants some analog gauges, presumably, though. Meter guy, the Prius already more-or-less tracks "kwh" in/out of the battery....
You don't have to remove the battery for access to its terminals, just its outer cover. You have to remove the back seat to get at some of the...
I have to amend my statement -- the second number (loaded battery) was 11.9. Unloaded it was 12.6 or so. I still expected higher than 11.9 under...
These were about the values I got just after replacing my battery, so I think they are okay. You will see a significant drop in MPG in the cold.
For some reason, I have the feeling they don't put the guidelines on cars in the US. For my life, I can't figure out why. Do they think people...
I am in MN, too. The effect of the cold does have an effect -- probably a gallon or maybe two. However, in my case, doing the "recalibration"...
Did all 10 pips then light up after the fillup? My tank is really picky about the pump I use to fill up and how I do it. It often cuts off early...
I've had this happen before. For me, it seems to correlate with when the weather is cold or damp.... My guess is that it is trying to find the...
Very nice! Do you have a part # for the LEDs you used? How hard was the soldering job?
I was almost exactly in your shoes about 1 year ago. My solution was to get a salvaged GenII locally and I installed a DIY Enginer kit that I...
Enginer also went out of business just about a month ago. Hard to get pure EV out of it anyway. I don't know where in Canada you live, but also...
No, some (most?) of the conversions allow the inverter to charge the add-on pack, too. Maybe you are thinking of the Enginer system, which...
Yes, Fuel Type is set to Hybrid and Yes, Sleep Event is set to COM. It never used to do it with v3 firmware. I sent it in to have it upgraded...
One area the SG falls short (with the v4 firmware, anyway) is battery current -- it is way too slow. With a PHEV conversion, battery current is a...
Don't do the mod to save money. You really have to know how to use it (like FirstFlight describes) to save any gas. If you don't know what...
FirstFlight, What is your platform you are using? I know you were working on a "kitchen sink" sort of gauge that looked very interesting. Are...
Justdidit, Thanks for the pics. I don't know why, but I never understood this "mod". Simple! I tried it (I have a Homelink mirror) and it...
Ah yes. I've "fixed" a few different bumpers with zip ties... ;) They held up surprisingly well, actually.