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Maxwell International Red Bullet by wildgatsby posted Jun 3, 2019 at 8:39 PMGuys, the Red Bullet showed up today, and I installed it! Huge thanks...
A'PEXi Smart Accel Controller harness ARRIVED! Need to wait a couple days until the controller does too. Can't wait to install them!!
Fuel economy seems a little bit better too, even though I pushed the pedal a bit.
Maxjen International Red Bullet ARRIVED and INSTALLED! Acceleration feels much more responsive! No leaks or warning lights present!
Sorry to hear that. Praying for the best! "J. the WildGastby" University of Arizona WildGats Scholastic Action Shooting Program Assistant...
Awesome! [emoji50] .
I was just checking out some of the 0-60 mph. times that some PRIUSchat members have gotten for fun and saw a Prius equipped with an APEXi owned...
Maxjen International Red Bullet performance solenoid is making its way on wings to the U.S.A.! It may arrive to AZ around the 11th of June.
Well done!! [emoji106] .
APEXi Smart Accel Controller and Harness just shipped! Hopefully won't have to wait longer than a week!
You can get a set of older Miata rims! They usually sell on Craigslist/Facebook Marketplace for fairly cheap.
Don't need one. .
God is good. .
Just ordered an APEXi Smart Accel Controller and the Prius C Harness. Very excited to install and test when it arrives. E.T.A. 1-2 weeks
I just ordered the Smart Accel Controller and the Prius C harness. I did not see any feedback from any Prius drivers on the APEXi, but heard...
Seriously. @CSuirp asked all the right questions and kept the topics coming. PRIUSchat was a great place to hold such a discussion, because a...
Yeah! @Max Taiwan is the man! He did an excellent job with supplying us with all of the information, and even the product! I learned so much...
Just ordered the Red Bullet solenoid on Ebay from Maxjen International! The importer is a member here called Max Taiwan. Very excited!
:LOL: Yup! I mean, how tough of a name can one of these get? lolol "Aoi Semi" sounds like a fitting name for the car. I named my past black BMW...
Thanks, @CSuirp ! I just placed an order for one of these! I just paid for the standard $10 shipping, so it might take a long time to get to my...