Separate names with a comma.
that pony can sure strut his stuff.
Not even a red flag on the tail.
Having a scangauge here would be helpful. Once the ICE heats up to 130F, you can turn on the heater without the ICE firing up. Once the temp...
Do you really need more than a 120 volt outlet with a PiP?
You've got a combination of factors here. GFCI or lack thereof has nothing to do with it. It is not uncommon to feed power from one receptacle...
ICE= internal combustion engine
I call BS on those near 40 mpg claims as well. Those owners claim they don't need the hybrid cost to get good mileage...but they really drive...
The C, or any hybrid, gets best mileage at a STEADY, slow to moderate speed. ...say 25 mph. As speed picks up, wind and rolling resistance become...
I believe it was my 1975 volkswagon Rabbit. Aluminum head wasn't worth the metal it was stamped out of, rusted, transaxle problems, you name it.
In my area, Staten Island, people are going to be buying new cars by the thousands due to hurricane Sandy. The gas lines here average 4 hours....
This photo really doesn't prove anything. We'll see.
Most, if not all of those CNG fueling stations can be used by government or fleet vehicles. Not open to the public.
Am I the only one that thinks it is odd that the OP says he gets 56-62 mpg with CC set at 65? A little high, no? Sure, you can get this on a one...
When my wife drives the Prius, she gets at least 10% worse mileage. Not that she has a lead foot, but she doesn't anticipate stops. She...
I hate filling up in Jersey...which is why I almost never do it anymore. You pull into the station and wait forever for the attendant. Especially...
While the slope of the windshield can cause glare and contribute to your complaint, it is much more likely that your specific glare is caused by...
The iMiev can be had for under $30k, it is available now, and it seats 4. While is looks small, and it is, the front passenger room is more than...
Same complaint here. Cannot hear it with the windows open or even with normal conversation.
i think the prices will start to drop in a year or so. When laptop computers first came out, a replacement charger was $129, now you can get a...
A little too cute maybe...animated with little people...It's more like a toy car. What about the commercial with the big football player saying,...