Separate names with a comma.
The safety system anti-collision & road sign/ lane departure camera& hi-beam sensors are situated behind the rear view. Could be one or both of...
Try these guys. iQi Mobile Qi Wireless Receiver for Apple iPhone - Fonesalesman I got mine from Amazon. Not tried it in a Prius. (Mine isn't due...
I usually keep my phone & fob close together, not had any issues with it in 3 yrs, mr T usually charges about 4-5 times the price of the batt, so...
There's also a 'Business Edition Plus' 17" alloys and touch & go 2 & simple park assist.
Yup, mine's due in July as well. Excel in Hypersonic Red. Was talking to the dealer again yesterday, seems all colours are now out to August, &...
Mine never dropped below 14.3v when the car was running, it only dropped below 14v when it was switched off. G...
One for the battery experts. Is it possible / likely to have a perfectly testing battery, but damaged somehow. Say by sulphation, manufacturing...
Here's An interesting bit of info, apparently Toyota states that anything over...
Is it actually an AGM? Like some of my previous cars with internal 12v batteries, the Auris one is fitted with a vent pipe the expels any hydrogen...
True enough, however it only needs to happen once, then the battery starts to sulphate, thus effectively damaging the capacity. From this point...
Oops! Apologies, it does come over a bit shouty. Definitely not aimed at anyone but Toyota. Certainly not any posters on the forums. G...
Remember & post on the forum when your 12v battery fails. G...
"I suggest that Auris owners will need to use an AGM battery charger periodically (2x per month for example) to keep the 12V battery...
Well! The 12v battery is only 32Ah (45 on the Prius I believe) The numbers I have heard are: 600mA - car off - ready to start. Stays this way for...
Just to add my tuppence. Apologies for the bit of a rant. Same car as the OP, except in red. Great car, lovely to drive, I do really like it,...
Uses the same HSD as a gen 3 prius, with quite a few improvements in the ECU mapping, suspension etc, shares a chassis with the Lexus CT220h but...
Yep, that would have been best, but it was way too much $$$. Done the single reverse beep too, couldn't hear the sensors above it. G...
Hi all, I have a UK Auris Excel Hybrid. My plates are FR55 TAX (In the UK hybrids & electric vehicles are road fund licence exempt (car tax))...