Separate names with a comma.
After reading through this entire thread ... I checked my PCV value on my 15 year old Gen 2 Prius (190,000 km/120,000 miles). I don't think this...
I used Autosol 'Metal Life Saver' ... removed the varnish easily and without damaging he surface in anyway. Looks brand new.
Did you find the cause of the problem ?
In terms of where Toyota go with 5th Generation ... they either need to produce a much better PHEV (or possibly BEV) or alternately a much more...
Niels … this is not only a fantastic simulation .. but also a great explanation of the rationale for the development of each element of the hybrid...
If you are still looking then try Phil Gilbert Toyota .. I have found them very reasonable. I have a 2005 Prius and the battery failed at 120,00...
So why did Toyota only sell in certain states .. was that because only those state had subsidies ? Or was it because the Volt was only sold in...
So what are your thoughts on what they might do with 2020 Prime ?
Totally agree .. large amounts of the US population (95% ?) are still buy highly polluting ICE cars and one of the big challenges is how to get...
I think your right .. it was obviously not planned for in TNGA, which seems short sighted. I would assume they are planning a modified TNGA for...
There will lots of short terms effects as you describe. One of the others is that if large numbers of people move to EV's quickly … how will the...
Not true. CO2 emissions are created in many different ways and there are also many different ways to offset them. Installing solar panels or...
There are really two aspects to this; 1. A measure of emissions caused by an EV charged from the grid 2. Whether you (or manufacturer) choose to...
It's an accounting fallacy to equate any particular generating capacity (ie your solar panel) to any particular use (ie your car). When you...
I agree that Toyota has an issue as to what to do with the Prius. Do they; 1. Push the limits of the current hybrid approach in terms of...
Yes emissions intensity in South Australia is lower .. they have a fair bit of wind and solar and then gas. Tasmania is also good as they have...
Yes BEV's are cleaner in US .. but PHEV's are not that much cleaner and given how far US is ahead of Australia on emission intensity the BEV makes...
Yes Australia is very dirty compared to many places in the US ... and our current Government is trying to encourage more coal power stations to be...
Well in most cases PHEV & BEV also stand for burning fossil fuels .. its just that they are being burnt to generate the electricity. In my view...
I've been away for 2 days and now my wife has advised that its; 1. Still happening with the radio on 2. Now happening without the radio on 3....