Separate names with a comma.
Tyres is one aspect not often talked about. EV's being heavier means greater tyre cost and also greater tyre particle emissions.
I would be running the ICE at least once per month, to keep it maintained properly.
In my case, I have a 2005 Prius that has a module failure at 10 years (75,000 miles) but I still have the original pack after 16 years ( 140,000...
Every country has a different CO2 intensity of its electricity grid and so the difference in CO2 emissions between a hybrid and EV will vary....
Yes in absence of real Government action, it's left to the manufacturers to do the best they can but they know most buyers will only pay a certain...
In my view the 2040 pledge is symbolic and really not realistic because many vehicle manufacturers will sell vehicles that have tailpipe emissions...
You need to advise what codes come up.
BOB ... I have read your posts over many years ... I'm not sure what has happened. In my view this forum is about respectfully debating the...
Yes solar works in displacing CO2, whether you use it directly or someone else uses it when you export it. Either way it has the same CO2...
Yes it's any electrical usage. People buy solar for their AC in summer and say their usage is carbon free ... but it's not because once they have...
Purchasing green power makes a lot of sense if it actually results in increasing the installed based of renewable. However here in Australia...
Yes, if its behind the meter and you consume some or all of what you produce, then the grid does not 'know' about your full renewable energy is....
The problem with the Tundra is that its really hard to make out the grill. I mean I know it should be at the front somewhere between the...
Yes that is true in one sense .. but if you choose not to charge your car one day (i.e. ride your bike) then your solar production will be...
Yes I realise that, but my point related to the first report using average ICE mpg figures and that is fine but they also should compare to hybrid...
OK makes sense. EPA should list the figure they use somewhere and then you can adjust. Also with EIA figures, does it include transmission...
Yes that is correct ... home solar is best considered a a generator and they included along with all the other generators to come up with an...
Bob, this report is well written but it makes assumptions that suit the case for EV's rather than being more balanced. For example it compares...
I don't agree that a car is (CO2) emission free, unless it's fuel was truly carbon neutral. I think what you mean is that the car has a CO2 g/km...