Separate names with a comma.
Unless you do everything yourself, the best you can do is ask the service manager to annotate the work order with the desired pressure or to...
Every vehicle I've owned with presets has had defaults set, though it may have been that the dealer set them. The Prius is the first I've had with...
Other than vehicles with a compass or nav system, I've never had one that shows direction of travel. Even the ones with a nav system often don't...
Are you sure you have the correct manuals? I checked through 3 that I downloaded and found no reference to "touch screen owner's manual". Be that...
Easy enough to set duplicates so you can cycle through them in groups of 6 (6 times), 12 (3 times) or 18 (2 times).
Just got this in email and am wondering what this means for the Prius, that is the parts that say it will soon work on any head-unit. Android...
The Premiers are on. The technician I talked to seemed to know quite a bit about the Prius and tires. We talked about air pressure and he said I...
Sorry, I misread your statement thinking you were talking about the original wheel, so I get it now. I'm surprised the installer didn't suggest...
I know nothing about tire sensors, so I'm curious, why would you have to reregister an existing sensor? All you did was move it from one wheel to...
Well, I don't know if the OP ever got new tires, but mine are getting put on Wednesday, so I guess I'll have to live with my decision after that....
You can get wheel covers from multiple places, including Toyota. Here's a link to one on Amazon. They'll run around $60 unless you buy a replica...
Good luck with your letter. Our 2014 Prius does seem to "chip" a bit easier than our 1999 Montana did, but that may just be an impression because...
I tend to agree. I'm just not sure 195 vs 205 is noticeable, but maybe it is. I changed from 15" to 16" wheels on the van when I went to Michelin,...
FWIW, 195 vs 205 -- weight 19 vs 21 lbs, tread width 5.5" vs 5.8", revs/mi 832 vs 818 (possibly the biggest factor).
That's not good to hear. :(
I have to agree with mrbigh. I would have asked this question when the battery needed to be replaced. Once you decide to replace a major item like...
Thanks for joining the discussion Ashim123 and thanks for the vote of confidence for the Premier. I'm still leaning toward the Premier and think...
I'm so glad I can't. :) Our multiple annual trips to Florida and Georgia, even in months like Feb/Mar, are difficult because of the humidity and...
That's a good point. We keep ours set to 74° and it's very dry here, so even at 80° outside, the AC probably doesn't work very hard.
I have to back away a bit from my previous statement. I just left the Luke AFB clinic and ran over to the satellite pharmacy. I was in the...