Separate names with a comma.
IMHO, the Leaf is a toy for those who have nothing better to do with $32K+. You must stay relatively close to home for fear of draining the...
Yes, I have had the alarm installed. The part number tells the whole story in that it comes as a complete kit! I don't know if they could have...
Yes, something is fishy. It comes with the glass breakage sensor and is installed at the same time. 2010 Toyota Prius RS3200 VIP Security System...
I installed this product about a month ago and found it fairly easy to do so. The four pieces come with tape already applied and complete...
I have had this sitiuation with Prius 2007, 2009 & now 2010. Once the problem starts, nothing brings it back, just wait until it returns by...
This is a joke?? The picture is Photoshopped!
I understand your concerns, however you seem to have axe to grind, perhaps from your previous bad experience with an unnamed "German Brand"...
It makes sense that the cooling fan is operating more, because only recently have the daytime temps. moved into the 60's on a regular basis. When...
Is this something new on the 2010 Prius since I've never heard this on an '07 or '09?
I recently noticed that a cooling fan is coming on when I heard that kind of noise from the rear passenger seat area. I traced it to the vent next...
I would go to the General Manager of the dealership and ask that this problem be resolved. After all, you just purchased a new vehicle there and...
Got the recall notice today! Already had the update done several weeks ago when it was first announced. Never had a problem prior, but did it for...
Go back to the dealer where you purchased the vehicle and tell them that what they gave you was incomplete. It should have come with mounting...
Denny, WELCOME to the Prius family, you have made the right decision! The 2010 is my third Prius and I've never had a problem with any of them,...
Memo: Investigators can't replicate runaway Prius Investigators with Toyota Motor Corp. and the federal government could not replicate the...
Re: Has ANYONE here had an Accelerator, Stearing or Braking Problem? I have a 2007 Prius and recently traded my 2009 for a 2010 V/AT. Never...
Thanks Dr. Fusco for expressing the point, I was about to make, so clearly! Also, why haven't the "BIG THREE" been held to the same standards...
No, OEM repair parts are not yet listed for the 2010 model Prius, but accessories are! Until this changes, you need to have the Toyota part # for...
They install quickly with two-way tape & are satin or muted chrome!