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5 yr update on a 15 yr old prius Car is still going... for now. When I made this thread it had 95k. Now it has 135k. Still gets 35-40 mpg but...
Got it. Thank you. Changed battery with lithium CR2032. So far so good.
Ok. And wipe down buttons? I only ever push the lock button
Ok. You got a link. Do I just search for doors actuator
So I retired the other fob since it continued to happen and switched to my other fob. Started happening again today. Will check battery as #1....
This is the issue I had which brought me to this forum and a bunch of guys willing to help. Glad you got the problem identified.
I did not. That's another thing to try.
That's next on my list Although I still run the risk of draining my battery when the lights go off Seems I have to disable the panic button somehow
Ok. Problem still persists. But at least it's daytime. I even replaced the fob battery just in case. When the panic sounds, the red light of...
Switched over the electronics w the $10 replacement and everything seems to work fine. Not sure if it'll solve my alarm issue so we'll see....
Sorry, checked my receipts. My optima was about 240 so the other battery was 190-200
Sounds like you just went through what I went through a few months ago. (Car towed, AM2 fuse and inverter pump) I posted here too and everyone...
I bought the fob case, which should be here in a week. Went off again at the end of work. Naturally it only happens w in range to your failing...
I'm not sure but I can try check
Thanks, I'm looking into the fob replacement now. My fob is pretty bad. 2 button covers are gone. Still surprised that the horn went off...
I also recently changed the battery in the fob
Horn went off despite horn fuse being out? Is the horn fuse purely for the steering wheel horn and not for alarm horn? Guess that's why I slept...
2007 Prius. 100k miles. Recently replaced 12v battery. First time this has ever happened: Get home. Lock car... then alarm starts going off...
12 days later... went off again for 30 miles then came back on. Side note for others: To turn off Hold push button start. Car will power down...
Read through the whole thread I guess replacing it is really my only option... other than soldering 3 capacitors on Thanks for the responses