Separate names with a comma.
Anytime your vehicle is on a rack at a dealership or indy, is an opportunity for them to go shopping at your expense. Do as the OP did here and...
Agree plenty of good how-to vids on da Youtube. reedjasond, and Luscious Garage are a couple channels to pull up and watch. Patrick Wong on PC...
Also at your vehicles ago and mileage interval your ICE water pump is potentially suspect. Visually, check for the tell-tale signs of coolant...
Ralph, your observation is very typical for these cars. If you do not have visible leaks and the oil is not registering on the dip stick it's...
Change it now. Its a combination of miles and actual service life or age that eventually claim the life of a belt. It's a $15 belt from Mother...
terramir, was the initial and subsequent code retrieved with a Pri compliant reader? Generic OBDII readers can not and should not be relied upon...
Amazon/Ebay search Mini VCI. This is the most cost effective device capable of reading all of the Pri's codes. mini vci toyota...
Did the dealership sell her a Smart Key fob or just a regular fob. Cesli, is the Toyota emblem o the back of your fob silver or chrome?
+1 ^ What OBD reader did you use? If not Techstream or a clone, from a Toyota Dealership or a known OBD II reader that is compatible with the...
I've done Monroe's Quick Struts on all four corners well over a year ago. No issues other than the ride is a little harsher than the OEM struts...
The ICE and inverter pumps are both know failure components on the Gen 2's. The ICE water pump will generally have tattle-tail coolant residue...
Post your DTC's assuming they were pulled by Toyota, an OBD reader that is fully compatible with the Pri or Techstream. From there I'm sure input...
Also if you have the Smart Key option on your '05, disable it. The little black button under the steering column.
If you think you have HV battery issues get ahold of Matt at Texas Hybrid Batteries. He's in DFW and on this message board as Texas Hybrid...
325K you did awesome! Is the car not running? A fuel odor on the ICE dipstick is generally a indication of a leaky fuel injector or a product of...
Fluffy strikes again.....
Skibob you may be right on the inverter side. But it certainly would work on the ICE side maybe he gets lucky and finds a common leak to both...
Run thicker oil and run your car until it spontaneously combusts ending in scorched earth. In the meantime start your search for a new mill or...
Go borrow a cooling system pressure tester from your local parts store. Pressurize the systems and your leak(S) will show themselves. I would...
They do make a difference. I need to finish my door arm rests with the extra fabric I bought.