Separate names with a comma.
Are you selling this stuff? but available ebay cheap do you just want a pat on the is button just below post? Stuff...
if you pay attention to video.there is no vibes movement steering.... but anyway this guy does'nt have to prove anything to more than i do...
SO the guy who made first link ...first post has answered my email its long but it answers a lot of objections and questions although looking at...
ask him! i have emailed him to maybe he will anyway after three years new tyre may be on the menu question is...
check the link at first the guy and ask him...he using them last 3years
as i found on other forums.....this is controversal...and a lot of speculation about this and that and opinions,,,, as i said those who try it...
So every time you accelerate from a stop, you have unbalanced wheels?...stopped>don't need balanced wheels....>accelerate>beads fly into their...
front wheels done put my new goodyear excellent grip performance 195/65 15 on front with 120grm beads now all wheels done drove about 10km at...
yeah only rear wheels at vibration no nothing after 30km putting front wheels on weights...just beads ...let's see
well i removed all the old weights.......pour in beads[120grms]....pump up my new tyres went for short..trip...max speed was 50mph/85kmh noticed...
asking wrong person in me! but those scenarios you mention are only momentarily i will try today and let you know
seems to be controversal among those who have never tried it..those who have swear by it take your pick [media] slightly diff method...same...
actually apperently not on wheel balancer.....something to do with it being static.....whereas on moving car..wheel constantly moving up/down...
anyone tried this yet's "Tools-On-The-Cheap" Wheel balancing With Beads i got myself 4 goodyear effeicient grip...
the 17's wont give more comfortable ride.......
you right ...plenty of evidence that these changes to wheels/tire improve mpg i changed to secondhand wolfrace wheels with old nakang tires on...
GREAT INFO..and there is plenty of it on the forum just like it... but!!!....i am afraid our friend @callrider would like PROOF..... i am just...
what do YOU mean by proven? do you need lab test....?what exactly do you want to satisfy your needs in area of proof
well i would say people here have saved us a small fortune on many things...... because they did the experimentation that we did'nt do toyota...
well documented on this site about facts....i changed my wheels and tyres...and noticed a massive mpg increase...just a tyre change can do that