Separate names with a comma.
Might I suggest running the OS from a CF card? Solid-state, pretty cheap these days, and since CF cards use ATA specs, they appear just like HDD...
I've looked over the GROM unit for either Ipod or USB. Looks a bit more like what I'd like over a DICE unit. I have an '09 Prius, package #2....
I've found that at a certain point in Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody", I get an extra .75MPG! You know, the part right after: "Will not let you...
Yeah, that's one frustrating thing. Trying to find an answer, and having to weed through lots of replies that may have some bearing or not....
I joined this online community several months ago, when I first started researching, and then deciding to buy, a Prius. I asked several questions...
Thank you. I'd like to think so, but my wife often thinks otherwise ;) Sorry, I like to participate, but do like to keep a certain amount of...
Realize that. That's why, so far, I've used the same pump at the same station at about the same time of day (and near as I can get), same ambient...
Reported on my first fillup a couple weeks ago, but I'm now up to my third. First fillup: 47.3MPG Second fillup: 45.7MPG Third fillup: 50.93MPG...
Thanks, that's much more what I'm after. I had a suspicion that QuikTrip was selling better gas.
I'll check, but unfortunately, a law was passed in KS about 18 months ago that basically obfuscated the entire issue. There was such a flap from...
Does anyone know of a good information source on gas/fuel quality and whether it's "real" gas, or "ethanol" gas, as sold by various retailers or...
No, NO, NO! :mmph: You use the 18.21 GigaWatt "Mr. Fusion" and attach it to the rear deck lid! :D Since the fuel is just leftover banana...
Thanks. That's more what I'm looking for. Since there aren't 3 or more speeds to use for downshifting, I was wondering if the "B" mode would be...
In a couple of months, I'll be doing some mountain driving, and have a question - which method is better for use in downhill driving conditions in...
I am SO jealous! :pound: Where did you find room for all the belt for all that .50cal?
I'm running the stock 35/33 right now. I've got some gravel roads to contend with, and wanted to make sure I got a "feel" for what it's...
Just filled up my '09 last Fri nite. Got 47.33 on the first tank. "GeeWhiz" display showed 49.1MPG, so it's a tad optimistic. Anyway, filled up...
Maybe, but I don't think so. I can definitely feel the steering is different, and I'm not sure that's what I'm experiencing. There's a...
Thanks. PM'ed Danny.
Questions: I noticed almost immediately that when driving the Prius (picked it up with 4 miles on it), that when on the highway, the steering...