Separate names with a comma.
Other one works - but range seems diminished for all functions (door lock/unlock, starting). Having key in a pocket will sometimes seem to block...
Started having problems with one of the key fobs for my '09 Prius about a year ago. Battery change, perked up a bit, but then started...
Just the one keyfob, I think. The one that's been used the most.
I've got a real problem with my keyfob alarm in my '09 Prius. It goes off with the slightest touch many times. This morning, it went off twice,...
Yeah, that's why I start at 400 and work out from there. Longest range on one was 820 yards with a .223. At that range, and that caliber, it's...
Sorry to hear about your situation - but a few thoughts, looking at this dispassionately: Be thankful that so far, you have a job. I know it...
One other comment: Yes, GM did make what they could sell, and what the public wanted. Geez, does it take a genius to take a look at their...
With all the interesting comments about union/non-union, one thing I rarely see mentioned about unionized labor is this: They go on strike for...
If the one year warranty is written down, then I'd discuss this with your state's AG.
Too bulky for the top of the Remington. Suggest one of these: Weapon Sights - Sniper Scopes - Rifle Scopes - Morovision Night Vision Kinda'...
Actually, what I REALLY want is the external sound system for the Prius that was a Youtube hit a while back. The "Jetsons" sound would be...
MMmm.... "Would you like to play a game of thermonuclear war?" Why, yes, I would. "Please select coordinates from your GPS - I'm sorry, you...
In general, I heartily agree. However, I've often found that what "should be" - ain't. And you still have the possibility of a bad batch of...
Yeah, this anecdotal evidence sounds a lot like a resistance build-up somewhere, resulting in possible under-voltage to some components, or...
Yep, that'd do it, all right. Of course, you also install some wheelie bars on the back end so you don't tip over.....
UNDER the hood?! Either you're not strolling down memory lane, or you're too young to have seen these... :D Check these cars out (hint - it's...
??? Hauling weight has nothing to do with tongue weight. Tongue weight is the weight of the trailer hitch when "balanced", i.e - as it would be...
:rolleyes: - KK6PD, someone should slap you for that! As the venerable Mr. Wayne said, "Well I'm not gonna hit ya...I'm not gonna hit ya...the...
Yeah, I'll challenge that one too. On our long trip, my wife was doing "over 80" with no problem. I'm glad you do. However, ambient temp plays...
I certainly hope they aren't too broad. Mine are fairly wide as well, and after a nearly 3000 mile drive to Sedona, AZ and back, I can tell you...