Separate names with a comma.
With the 240v in the US, you still "only" get a 120v shock if you touch any leg and ground. The only way to get a full 240v shock is to touch both...
Well the trip went well. Hit the Mystic Aquarium on the way up. The cliff walk was very relaxing, and The Breakers (the Vanderbilt mansion) was...
The Volt would act the same if kept in a heated garage. My Volt lives outside and cold soaks over night like my PIP did. My PIP's ICE used to fire...
I got my Volt on March 18th and drove it to work on the 19th. It did snow that day- but it only went down to maybe 20f. I think the coldest I've...
IIRC- with my PIP at 15 deg as soon as I crept out the driveway the ICE started. Is you PIP different?
Wow... 57mi EV range... told you you'd do it. Prius drivers make the best Volt drivers!
Thanks bud!
Hi Donna, I'm out in the middle of LI, so we get most of the same bad weather you get, an my commute is 56mi RT. vs your 60mi commute. I put real...
See if your dealer's got any PIP's (Plug-in Prius) they're looking to move, you could potentially get a really sweet deal, and all PIP's qualify...
Prius with OEM Halogens = poor/borderline unacceptable Prius with 4.3k quality aftermarket (not $50 ebay kit) HID's = average/acceptable Prius...
^ Thanks P, I'll let you know how it went once we're back...
We're (myself, my wife and two teen daughters) are taking a trip up to Newport RI this Sat will stay over till Sunday and I'm hoping for some...
The 2010's are going to be six model years old in Sept of this year. Even the 2014 will be a model year old in Sept too, but it will still get you...
I've found the Volt's EV range estimator to be quite accurate, much more so than the PIP's estimator. My trip to work is exactly 28mi. On a fair...
Agreed! The Volt's got so much more EV power than the PIP, many former PIP owners, including me... do lead foot the Volt when they first get it....
Once you restart on the next outting- the Volt will default back to 8amp rate. GM was very concerned about overheating less than optimal outlets...
Congrats fourty... I'm sure you love the close to 50 mi EV range of the Volt and you got one heck of a great deal with the MA rebate and Fed tax...
I traded in my 2012 PIP for a 2014 Volt and couldn't be happier. I was very concerned with GM's bad rep- but it's almost like the Volt was made...
The Prius doesn't look bad w/door moldings, but their effectiveness is questionable with the curvature of the door and the (low) height of the...
The 1980's called... they want their pinstripes back :p