Separate names with a comma.
I was pulled over for speeding near the airport on the freeway, asked if there was any chance of a warning and the officer let me off with a...
NSFW (F word) As if there's still someone who hasn't heard it used at work. [media]
The mall should offer to place signs in front of the fountain that say Watch Out Cathy, Here's The Fountain, If You Have Hit This Sign, STOP,...
THIS is a commercial. Fleg Master Tlpizza Video - sevenload
My 7 year old plasma has no burn-in issues. Mine has an auto pixel shift that helps, but the new ones are much better at avoiding burn-in. I...
There will be something better in five years but you will still have the same quality picture on the screen you buy now. I bought a plasma...
Very nice, congratulations Daniel! There's a movie (not a documentary) you and others might enjoy call The Big Blue that uses deep free diving...
Google jigsaw puzzle forums and post the picture on some of the larger ones.
The First Top Gear USA Trailer... In The World
Why I bought my Tacoma.:D [media]
Steve also lost a bit on stock options. A Look Back at Steve Jobs' 2003 Stock Options Swap Reveals $10 Billion Opportunity Lost - Mac Rumors
I'm about 50 pages in on the third book. I really like the series. Caught the movie of the first book a couple of weeks ago. Highly recommend...
And then there is the Japanese billionaire putting homeless into his multiple homes in one of the most expensive neighbors on Oahu. Tycoon's...
"...until escrow closes..." Do you have any legal authority to do anything except report it to the people you are buying it from before you close?
She slept through most of her ordeal. The plane landed at 12:30, she woke up and looked at her phone at 3:00+, so she is suing for 25K to 75K for...
It's good you received some training. Just take care and don't let your goal exceed your abilities, and have a buddy with you. It seems at least...
I got the appropriate psychopathic answer. I had a couple of tenants who were psychopaths. I spent almost year in court being sued by them. I...
I'm also on a catchment system. 8000 gallon above ground corrugated bolt together steel tank with plastic liner, pump, and pressure tank. I...
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. Man on Fire (2004) - Memorable quotes