Separate names with a comma.
And I thought you worked at Subway...:eek: JK!
Daniel, I'm glad to admit that some of your comments really make me smile, not in a bad way, but because I believe you are trying to interject...
APKid, as a PC member has so aptly put in their signature, you are entitled to your own opinions, but not you own facts. The challenge I extended...
Someone clicked the link.:D Yes, it is, along with this from Walter Veith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Forgot to add that Wikapedia did not...
It seems we have differing understandings of the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum. According to that law, it is my understanding that if I...
It is truly sad that you are indeed the one in ignorance, totally ingnorant of the lecturers background, that just happens to include many years...
How on earth can you make such a claim. I thought you said that "According to quantum mechanics, an unperformed experiment has no results." So how...
...and I thought it was because you were into horses. This is fun.;)
Hmmm, we haven't heard from Daniel since early this morning in this thread. I can only surmise he is engrossed in that video I challenged him to...
Very entertaining and informative. Thanks to all that have posted and keep 'em coming.
Since you addressed this to me, I'll offer you a challenge. I'll spend 90 minutes of my valuable time studying basic cosmology with the lecture of...
This could get interesting. Some of the user names seem to be pretty self explanatory, while others, like mine, might leave others clueless. Feel...
Great, so now I need a lead lined pocket (purse for the ladies) to shield my keys RF transmission from potential car thieves.
Ron Paul likes the idea (using gold as money), and I agree with most of his ideas. Why not? As he puts it, "You can't have inflation without...
:D Sounds to me like you're discribing evolution. After all, it's a much newer "theory" than creation from God. But then perhaps you have some...
I agree with all that has been said, but would like to add that you have 2 tripometers, A & B. Many here will reset A (or B ) at each fill up and...
Re: People who collect social security and unemployment, why can't this be the main pool for jury du Just to be a condescending voice here, while...
You, along with millions of others confuse Total Tax Owed with the amount you have already paid in. The amount paid in through payroll deduction...
Without getting to philosophical, we were all made with the power of conscious choice, reguardless of how you believe we came into existance. If...