Separate names with a comma.
Geeez, I had so hoped that a thread like this one could be discussed in civility and without degrading into a name calling contest. My mistake....
It was in response to Hydro's post, . My point was that I'm not required to live in a house either, but the constitution protects me and my home,...
Perhaps this is over simplification, but the constitution also protects me from the military just walking into my home and taking it over. Of...
Not sure if this topic should go here or in FHOPol, but since I feel it's a constitutional question, versus a Rep/Dem/Ind/Lbt/Grn/Tea/Etc, I'll...
My favorite current production is the Lexus LFA. ($375,000) My favorite concept is the Nissan Pivo II. (Yet to be determined) But my all time...
Reminds me of the days when I used to drive a school bus. It was a high school route so the kids were well versed in slang. On one occasion, a...
When I first saw this last night, I had to think to myself, what has advertising come to? Sharks discussing eating humans to sell a candy bar....
Yeah, but isn't it pronounced M' bah russ. :D Way to cold for me to even imagine...
Whew, if I made fun of your beliefs like that, I certainly would not be a Christian,...but then in fairness, you've never claimed to be Christian....
Gentlemen PLEASE!!!! Treb made a general statement about the size of the Christian health care system and a lack of any such Atheistic such...
Some clarifications. Spidy, No AC or heat on (windows cracked at 68 degrees). Adamace1. I was NOT saying I could gain speed while depressing the...
I've noticed and been experimenting the past 2 days with something strange, at least strange to me. Leaving work each day, I have about 4.5-5...
I don't know?
...or you could move to Phoenix, and shovel sunshine.:D
I've just recently become aware of Dr. McDougall. He has a simi-regular spot on a channel I watch on my FTA G-19 satallite dish. Hmm, just checked...
Well, since some might want to know, I copied the first 6 definitions from The last 2 definitions came from yours truly:D On...
ice cream (milk), potato chips and cheese would technically go in the Vegetarian field, but technical is the last place I'd want this thread to...
I thought it would be fun to discuss something we all do multipal times a day, EAT. The question is, what do you eat, or not eat? So I went to the...
With that explanation of the big bang as a preface, I can agree with every thing in your post, but especially with your first 2 sentences. 'Nuf...
Thanks for the help, xs. After that posting fiasco, I really do feel like a nut job, particularly because (ready for a chuckle), I work on...