Separate names with a comma.
Found one reasonably priced on amazon with a year warranty and decent reviews.
Hey that sounds like what just happened with mine. I kept resetting it and it finally started running. Sounded like garbage but then quieted down....
You know it finally started running. I just kept resetting it and the it started running on its own. It sounded like a war zone at first but...
After clicking health check. When I do the health check it first says it can’t communicate I just click continue. It is my first time using this...
I just don’t have the time to wait I have a head coming back and I have a set of new piston rings I think I’m just gonna rebuild my engine and...
Well I would like to but the text stream doesn’t seem to be able to communicate with the computers in the system.
Yes I watched all of fix that Prius‘s videos and many many others before I decided to do it and there was never an issue with the problems that...
Yeah the first five are the codes the rest of them are because it’s not connecting and charging to the hybrid system I think
It seems that removing the jiggle pin in the thermostat cured the overheating issue.
Gen 4 in gen 3 body used the gen 3 intake & exhaust, gen 4 water pump. Kept originals sensors cam , temp, knock etc and ecu,s.
Could you advise me possibly . After an engine swap the car won’t stay running and I have multiple codes from sensors that I swapped over that...
Ok so you took the head off the gen 3- took the guts out of it and then used all the gen 4 parts to replace what you took out of the gen 3 head...
I’ll hook it up and see what comes up .
How do you verify voltages? I went through the wire harness again and still nothing. So at this point who knows ?
I have noticed that the engine is firing because the exhaust was hot. Also I do smell gas. What I’ve been doing is pulling the white main wire...
Oh sorry that’s from before the engine swap. I borrowed a scanner from auto zone. It was a readout from their scangauge. I borrowed so I didn’t...
Lol. Dang !
What happened? Did you ever get the issue worked out?
I remove the valve cover and the spark plug so the engine could just turn over with that resistance and I turned it over and it has a special...