Separate names with a comma.
Perhaps such a tax could be based on vehicle weight and miles driven—GPS units are super cheap (and any one complaining about the infringement on...
I put gas in ours for the first time yesterday. It was at 967 miles, and had one bar left on the gas gauge. However, it only took 8.3 gallons...
retired4999: "fast Purrrr" sounds like what I'm hearing. This hours (3-5 perhaps, as your experience) after having been driven, maybe an hour...
Saarp: if I may ask--what color is yours? You and I share the same city, and I reflexively check every Prius I see for the "Plug-in" badge, but...
Twice I've come into the garage and (after getting over the shock of seeing a new PiP) heard a fairly faint buzz or hum seemingly coming from the...
Like DaveinOlyWA, I charged for free 6/2 at a Walgreen's in Seattle (and they'd recently repainted the spot in green with "electric vehicles...
Tracksyde: thanks, that's exactly what I'm after. And you at 159/23 gives me fodder for an experiment. I have learned a lot from these forums &...
Study: Fox News Viewers Less Informed Than Those Who Watch No News At All Just sayin'. These studies seem to come out yearly, but for me are...
F8L: that's just what I'm after, as I'm curious to see what sort of correlation can be drawn between average speed and mpg (and should probably...
I'll take that at face value, and rather than respond as I often do to the many who somehow take me for the whipping boy of all cyclists with, "do...
Simply curious: anyone care to post their avg mph along with mpg? (I noticed last night that my wife's PiP was 116 mpg with an average speed of...
@concern: for me, it's not so much a concern as an interest. I already have LEDs & CFLs and have Kill-a-Watted every other device. (Am replacing...
I'd like to second the "PLEASE chime in on you experience". I'm pretty much thrilled with my initial results (had the car about a month, and am...
Possible solutions: 1. put the HOV sticker and PluginPrius badges on the '05 2. trade in the PiP for a LEAF (assuming she can charge at work,...
I'm not going to make much of a contribution to the OPs stated "problem", but here's my anecdote: my wife's PiP arrived about a month ago, and I...