Separate names with a comma.
First thing to check is 12V. This was already mentioned. If it does not show 12v or better then the PC 's are having problems sending info on what...
I vote for Ecopea ep 20's. H
It's possible this may be covered by your Insurance. H
Have it shimmed. Perfectly normal. Hal
Keep us posted Shakeum. We would like your opinion on the Mich. Energy savers. You do well with the original, will be interested in new tires...
It is still on warranty, so take in in for trouble shot. Hal
Wesayso. How are the ep -20 tires treating you? Did you purchase two more or are you still only running two. Hal
I' m sure it would help over the wider tread as long as that is a LRR tire. Thinner is better! I would run the original as long as safe before the...
My 2014 regen brakes with full battery in D. Hal
Yeh I loved that little car as well Mendel.:) Hal
You will become more impressed once you understand the working of this machine. Have fun. H
I was at this seminar and was actually watching the start .This was the first student. He actually came in over 100 mpg on this run. This fellow...
It take practice. Get your manual out and work at it. You will figure it out eventually. It is frustrating. Hal
I keep mine in my pocket when using the car and when I get home I put the fob away in its hiding place and always the same place. That way it...
OK, thanks I'm up on my abrievations. I knew it would be simple, but I just had to find out. Hal
Thanks Mendel. H
Tell me ETP, what does MIJ tell us. For the life of me I cannot find the meaning. Hal
I remember when I purchased my 2006 civic hybrid they wanted $200 for theft marking stickers all over the car. I told them to remove them all as...
This the norm for stealer ships. You probably should have refused the anti theft markings as well. They should be upfront with customers on this...
That is excellent for your area. Sfcyclest Good driving:D Hal