Separate names with a comma.
Something is not adding up here. How long have you had this car? Any chance it’s already had an engine replacement, or a rebuild with...
Talk to a dealership parts department?
I had the missus pour that last bit, say 1/2 cup at a time, then wait till it all flowed in, then repeat. "Full" happens gradually, wipe the...
That always strikes me as a copy-and paste exercise: Gen 2: [ATTACH] Gen 3: [ATTACH] Gen 4: [ATTACH] Gen 5: [ATTACH]
Our Hondas and this latest Toyota do have break-in period recommendations, in the Owner's Manual. That said, it's very simple, just take it easy...
There's no weights on the (from the factory) spare in our 2010. I've used it once, no problems.
Phone them first and find out. Just from reports here I think you should be able to get out of there with both engine and inverter coolant...
And a special place somewhere else, for car companies that put even basic biz like fluid changes behind a paywall.
It bothers me, that if Betelgeuse were to be where our sun is, we’d be in it. Mars as well, if I heard right. apparently you can copy and paste...
Of course. The parts is basically an oil filter and drain bolt washer. Oil spec and refill qty is noted in owners manual. I seem to recall...
2 liter being 5th gen Prius? Maybe post a question in 5th gen forum? Some might at least check theirs, post questions. hang on, someone’s...
Wow! You were dealing with a corporate villain; it's very obvious what their priorities are. When a company tries that hard to dodge...
Just checked mine: [ATTACH] Got a 50-pack from China lol.
If you want to upload videos you need to upload them to YouTube first (after registering there), then provide a link here.
If you don't mind, any more detail on those issues? And what's the miles on it? One issue with early 4th gen years was coolant leaks in the...
This video's pretty good: [MEDIA] He provides an Amazon link for vent caps, in description Basically four mods: 1. Remove child-lock tab from...
With our last car that specifically tripped me, to go back to DIY. Lying under the car, holding an almost-out drain bolt, tricking out the nearly...
Aforementioned 2nd gen schedules attached, a table format conversion of what Toyota USA says in the Warranty and Maintenance Booklet. There's both...
oy vey…
It takes a mile or two, running the system with fan somewhat accelerated and AC off, to clear the condensation that’s accumulated on the...