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"P0AA6 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that indicates a hybrid battery voltage system isolation fault. This code applies to electric vehicles....
got the Tactrix cable --> same thing / :(
I had a batteryMinder connected . Tried it again this morning - same thing / I'm going to order a Tactrix cable & hope it'll work /
brake bleeding is not working for whatever reason / pretty much instantly after I press the last next button it says that it failed / [ATTACH]...
that's what I'm having right now / So, what procedure do I have to go through to get that thing going again? I tried the re-learn thing with...
Mexican overdrive.... / ;)
I would NOT recommend buying this car / That looks like it could be really a money pit /
US $320.- ...... [ATTACH]
I will NOT be a KYB customer.... /
why would his brakes suddenly drag when all he did was replace the tires? op's info says 2013 Prius, his post says 2022 Prius; so what car are we...
P2102 is an OBD-II trouble code that stands for "Throttle Actuator 'A' Control Motor Circuit Low." This code indicates that the powertrain control...
If the fuel trim is high at wide-open throttle (WOT) and high RPMs, it could mean that the engine is running lean (not enough fuel). This can...
no /
THAT is the real question here.... / ;)
"Using a tape measure in a car trunk can be helpful for measuring the dimensions of the trunk space or items you need to fit in the trunk. Here's...
I'm not going to buy it, but nevertheless it would be interesting to see some pictures of your artwork /
rim size, pictures?