Separate names with a comma.
" if we look at a 2 litre atkinson..." Hypothetically, or are we talking about the Prius I4..? Are we now reduced to GUESSING what BMW...
Agree, absolutely, Cost for a gallon of fuel should be taxed incrementally year by year, until in 2020 it is north of $10.00 gallon. Easily enough...
Since Miller cycle is an adaptation of the HIGHLY "burn" efficient Atkinson cycle engine then turbine spinning is not an option. Miller cycle...
Let's assume you have an Otto DFI engine w/turbo. Lets further assume that I could automatically switch the base/native compression ratio from the...
By the very definition a "turboed" engine CANNOT be made to be efficient EXCEPT at WOT and FULL boost. That's the ONLY time when the EFFECTIVE...
With the advent of home appliance 2-cycle engines being outlawed they have been a few developments, improvments(?) in the low displacement 4-cycle...
Y'all are missing the point. The current Wankel rotary design now in production have 2 shortcomings. Incomplete "burn" in the power...
Excellent power source for an LSA, Light Sport Airplane. 70KW multiphase AC genset coupled to a 70KW A/C synchonous motor to turn the prop.
Pure BS...! A disclaimer such as: "Very few drivers will experience the level of FE indicated by the EPA estimates, they should be used for...
Given the HUGE amount of open/spare space I observed inside an RX engine compartment at the 24 Hours of Daytona vs the Porsche GT's, Vipers, and...
I guess part of what I'm pointing out is that using the Toyota Atkinson cycle "simulation" technique, delayed intake valve closing, would improve...
The rotary seems to be alive and well in the experimental aircraft category and now with the LSA, Light Sport Aircraft Boom(let)...?
I wouldn't call it "rambling..." Thinking, thinking logically, "out loud".
~18:1 base/native compression ratio, DFI plus intercooled SuperCharging, linearly modulateable SC. Triple intake ports with the second and third...
I remember reading a magazine article about a hybrid concept vehicle that used the RX300 drivetrain, ICE mounted in the rear, seated 3, driver...