Separate names with a comma.
In the instructions for Form 8936, which is the form you'll fill out for the credit, it specifically states: If you leased, you cannot claim...
Unfortunately, this law doesn't help you. See section 1. You purchased your car after December 31, 2011.
Too much weight, and too much cost.
You/we are mixing two different terms here. The capacity of the battery back is measured in KW per hour, aka KWh. It's how much sustained energy...
If you have a Scan Gauge II, you can do this yourself. But the dealer may be easier and cheaper, unless you want a Scan Gauge II to play around with.
Can you elaborate more on Con #5: What exactly do you mean by this? Do you mean the MID (Multi Information Display) that is in the center of the...
Since heat rises, it's more efficient to use the bottom vents to heat the cabin.
I don't think using your headlights, the seat heaters or this 12VDC heater will eat all that much into your available EV range. The headlights in...
There's no promised kWh that the system has to provide. It just has supply a certain amount of power, whether it comes from the ICE, the battery,...
These are indeed the raw SOC numbers via a ScanGauge II plugged into the OBDII port. When the car is in normal HV mode, it is still possible to...
85% is indeed "full charge" for the traction battery. HV mode starts at 23.1%, and shows 7 individual battery bars. The lowest I've had it was...
If you get there before them, park in the spot they like and plug your car in? Maybe they'll get the point...
There's nothing wrong with thinking outside the box. We're just trying to point out things to consider before a lot of time and money is invested....
While it's possible to do this, it might not be too practical, physically or financially. The biggest battery I could find was a 225AH battery...
started up just fine without a problem. :-) We recently went to Hawaii (Big Island) for a nice vacation. My PiP sat for 12 days in our driveway....
DEV ROOT are my plates. They were on my 2005 Prius, and are finally on my PiP (had to wait to get the 2005 Prius registered in WA state before I...
Here's pics of my EVSE install and how the car is plugged in. Note, I don't actually park in the garage, but in the driveway. AV/Nissan EVSE...
And I would have to disagree with you. I have a ScanGaugeII hooked up, and it doesn't show any significant additional draw on the battery when the...
*sigh*, $3.76 a gallon. Haven't seen that low a price in a long time...
Unfortunately I can't remember for sure. I think sometimes it's said 20 or 30 miles. And at other times it said 0 miles. I'm assuming you are...