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Welcome to the Prius C family. A few tips for better MPG in the future. Increase tire pressure to 40 PSI. Review the videos on for...
A question to the poster of this thread - Carrollights. Forgive me if I am getting too personal, but I was wondering what sort of job or social...
A question to DKTVAV. Please post a thread and tell all the Prius C owners how you were able to average 72 MPG for 10,000 miles of driving. I...
Check out the vedios on How to drive the Prius C for increase mileage. Also, increase your tire pressure to 40 PSI for increasing...
I purchased my 2012 Prius C Two on July 21, 2012. Today I have 1300 miles on the odometer. I am a retired USAF pilot. It is good to know in...
The.ECO Score is my favorite!
Consider this: Extra fuel is extra weight. This will affect MPG. Is the extra cruise range worth the loss of MPG?
I own a 2012 Prius C mooglow and love it, I have moonglow because I live in the desert and a white car is really cooler in the summertime...
I own a 2012 Prius C TWO. I recommend paying the little extra money and upgrade to the TWO. It is well worth the little extra cost!
I use ARCO. In the town of Twentynine Palm CA. it is the lowest price gas, and I have never had a problem using it?
Welcome to the Prius C family. I suggest you read all the past treads posted on the Priuc Chat web site. by doing so, you will learn a lot of...
My Prius C 2 came with two fob keys and one valet key. all keys will manually open all locks on the Pruis C. the only difference between the...
I want to thank everyone who replied to my thread. I never realized the over use of caps offended some readers. I will take the advice and...
QUESTION: My Prius C 2 has an immobilizer system. When I remove either the FOB or Valet key from the ignition switch, the RED IMMOBILIZER light...
I onw a 2012 Prius C color: moonglow. I love the color. Keeps the car cool in the summertime and does not show much dust or dirt. Check out the...
It is not possible to get a spare key made at a hardware store that will permit the key to start ANY new Toyota car. ALL KEYS USED IN THEIR...
The Prius C 2 does NOT have a SMART KEY SYSTEM. Your reply refers to page 473 of the owners manuel (If the electronic key does not operate...
I own a Prius C2. Does anyone know the lifespan of the car key Lithium CR2016 battery? I am concern in the future I may be in a remote location...