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A couple of "key" observations ...referring to the Prime's door key. Since my 2020 Prime is the first car I have owned with a "fob" rather than a...
I remembered both the "key" option and the ability to use the remote to open windows when approaching the car, but I didn't make notes when I...
on my 2020 prius prime, it was necessary to remove the entire front bumper, grill, fenders etc per this video even though the video is for an...
wzakaras' info is correct. I just did this on my 2020 Prius Prime and initially approached removing and replacing a damaged right front fender...
Have had my 2020 prius since October... bought it in Eugene Or, and it's now in Austin, TX During the almost two months I drove it in Eugene, I...
Thanks for the tips... will experiment with the remote, door lock and settings suggestions. I had the same problem last night at 3am in freezing...
fwiw, the Foxit app's "reflow" mode makes accessing pdf files much easier when a computer is not handy. And, while there is a wealth of USB...
Success... it ain't easy or obvious, but it can be done. I'm making notes and need to go through the process a couple of times because it's not...
>> Sit in the Prius with your owner manual << Been doing that for the past two months. Tip... download the PDF manuals from Toyota to your...
Carried (3) 4'x8' sheets of 5/8" plywood split lengthwise (6) 2'x8' sections and the hatch does close. tip, buckle the passenger seatbelt before...
Just answered my own questions. When turned on, the 2020 Prius Prime all windows down fob button is; <press unlock> <press-hold unlock> This is...
>> ALL WINDOWS DOWN is a handy feature to request. << Sounds nice. How is this operated with the fob? Can the Carista App make these changes...
Still trying to educate myself about my new Prime. Today, working with contacts, it was extremely frustrating to navigate to some place in the...
What is the best way to manage, import, etc contacts? I have over 600 contacts in my phone, but there are only 25 or so that I want in the car...
(5,000 miles later ;-) Thanks for the responses... very helpful. I obviously haven't been able to respond since my last post. 2,500 of those...
Thanks for the responses. Could someone point me in the general direction of the "hud" button? Beverly Howard
Just spent an hour or so sitting in a dark garage, parking brake on, in park with the parking lights on searching and experimenting. Discovered...
Thanks for the responses... will put that on the dealer "next visit" list. >> and hammer down the "panic" button << I thought about that, but,...
>> Meter Customize << I was interested in this as well, but could not find "meter customize" so, posting more details in case someone finds the...
I feel like I have just stepped out of a history book... just replaced my 2007 civic hybrid with a 2020 Prius Prime XLE and I am overwhelmed with...