Separate names with a comma.
Gratz.....Enjoy !!!!
Ugh. I just threw up. Watching celtics. Then going to bed and dream about the car that I do not have.
Holy Mackrel, you still had to wait 4 days.... Please let us know how its going. I sat in a silver PIP, the smell was so new, and it looked...
Bisco, My car was on New century 2. Sox are getting killed, 14-2 Go Padres,Angels,Dodgers,Giants,A's
Bisco, keep the faith.. All you need is to watch the 04 playoffs with the yankees. To stay on topic, Valentine could not expedite my car, let...
:D:D OUCH !!! im a huge sox fan, and that moron is not helping at all... You have 5 different teams to choose from ... LA,SF,AN,OAK,SD...
My car was in port last sunday on easter. I received site update, as well as email. My dealer said id have it tosay… Today is over, and I have...
Went to the dealer, and it has not come in. They said "we get trucks everyday". He went to the manager, and they said that his board only showed...
Thanks Bisco. My ship left last monday, and my dealer said this tuesday. Im in Bridgewater Mass. Its like 8 months of waiting, and the last 3...
I got the email yesterday, the site was updated on Thursday. Just venting, thanks for listening.
Morning, Has anyone received there car from the New Century 2 Ship? I was told it would be in on Tuesday. Anyone else? Not sure why it takes...
Same here, stopped at dealer, I was told Tuesday.
Hope its on the truck, my dealer said they were expecting cars today....
SO, do you know for sure if your car is on a truck? I called my sales person, and he told me they were expecting a truck, but he didnt know if it...
Not ever owning a prius, and waiting for mine at port, my head was spinning from this thread. 9Gman pretty much summed it all up. I guess ill be...
Its not a "purse", its a "Satchel" :D
LOL :heh:
Morning, Never owning a Prius, and anticipating mine shortly, I find this thread and Paradox's methods completely fascinating. I never had a...
Bon Voyage.... :wave: