Separate names with a comma.
Here are things to look at under Possible causes: It's all I got, hope it helps....
There is no TSB for Prius. Like the article said "Test the devices in question" if they are good then it could be something else. The next...
FYI - Here's some information to keep in mind if you start to troubleshoot the code. It's related to other Toyota cars with the same code.
FYI- I did a search and the folks over at the CT200h forums are having the same issue with the cold engine knocking at start up. They have the...
FYI - I might be looking at this wrong but it looks like there are many part numbers that fit that part code with the same engine. [IMG] I got...
The part number shows up here at this link: 17120-37052 / CT200H / lexus | part detail| and here КОЛЛЕКТОР Toyota PRIUS ZVW40 -...
These are suggestions that individuals are using on their own. IMHO when people do not get help from the dealer or the manufacture, they are...
Lets keep the suggestions that helped individuals listed: Suggestions to help the engine knocking issue 1.) At the start up, press gas pedal...
There are many people who have the IM changed out and soon after experience the same problem. You can use one of the two following methods to...
Since Aug 2011 I have seen the battery go all the way to the top, recently, only one time. I didn't believe it, when I saw it. It's funny, I...
The moisture in the lamp is not normal, IMO. Toyota covers there butt by saying it's normal in the manual. I had moisture the first day after...
Yes plastic clips. I had someone hit me from behind at 25mph and it did no real damage but the bumper movement sheered the head off the plastic...
The conversation above reminds me of a great movie line from 1983 called "War Games". General Beringer: "Goddammit, I'd piss on a spark plug if...
I have never used the petal down method but if you turn everything off in the car when you shut it down, things like the radio, auto lights option...
I found the post explaining the accelerator pressing method. Here's a copy of what was discovered by PC member tumbleweed. "The other thing I...
I do not know what is causing the problem I can only mention the fuel method I described works for me. Since 87 octane is the recommended fuel I...
It would be great if you could try my suggestion. You could support or disprove my experience. I have switched back and forth from spring octane...
My daily fob battery is just starting to go dead. The car shows Low Key Battery on the display. It's been 2.5 years. The range has also diminished...
The original times I got the knock it was quick and more noise than violent knocks and it never tripped the check engine light. How many miles do...
You bring up milk shake in radiator. Yes, I remember it well in my 1977 Chevy Monza with the Vega engine, blown head gasket. That was normal for...