Separate names with a comma.
Someone didn't like my "communist chinese(always small letters)" & pointed out that sometimes I didn't say, "communist chinese(always small...
Oh, thank you. I thought the keying across our Elantra engine hood was intentional, but our marks aren't as deep as to be considered intentional....
But, don't say it occurred in communist china (always small letters) or the communist chinese (always small letters) will call you racist.
Love the smell of...... "jellied gasoline" in the morning. The movie quote has greater punch.
I had OE Dunlop SPs a decade & half ago. Ran quiet, smooth, good traction dry or wet. With the anti-skid brakes, they really dug into snow, even...
Some people consider "downsides" as advantages. Liked to use my narrow Hyundai Accent for tiny pull-off parking. Motorcycles & bicycles make tiny...
Remember National Monuments too. They don't have the draw of Nat'l Parks, but still are spectacular. Explore Bureau of Land Management regions. In...
Are you the only person riding the coattails of coronavirus.
However, using the log scale, retains the details of initial outbreaks, while keeping recent exponential rises in cases & deaths on the charts.
Oh, you mean Moon rilles........: Rille - Wikipedia
Meanwhile, Italy, who believed & played footsy with communist china (always small letters) records 700 dead in a two day period & 475 dead...
Report from communist china (always small letters): A 103 year old Chinese citizen is now the oldest victim of coroanavirus, who has fully...
After two days of deaths of 700+, Italy just had 475 people die in one day! :(:cry:
Oh, you meant, "....everyone selected to go to the Moon, again. " I knew there was a catch somewhere!
I get dibs on one of the three Moon Rovers still on the Moon. Old tech, roughly abused by the best test pilots in the business, but still goodies!...
I woke up this morning, completely unplanned, & went to the south facing computer window. Visually in the southeast, just above the mountain...
Paying for an extended warranty? It still would be 3 years short of the Hyundai/KIA 10 year/100,000 mile warranty..... that comes FREE. One major...
Ring-a-ding-a-dlng: Tomorrow morning in the SE morning dark sky, the crescent moon will drift below, Jupiter & Mars, the three, looking like an...
My wife passed by toilet paper in one store, thinking she would get a better deal at another store...... the other store..... was out of TP.
Going to get gas, traffic IS LOW, as is the price of gas, if you know where to go! But, that would raise traffic levels. Oh, well.