Separate names with a comma.
18V is no problem as long as you don't leave it connected. Connecting an 18V power source to a battery will not instantly jump it to 18V, there...
But the grinding is still there? My bet would also have been the brakes. Maybe a stone got stuck between the rotor and the caliper? When was the...
That seems to be the standard on cars not sold in the USA. It is the same in European cars. Well, it is not 7 km/h always, I measured it to be 6...
Also a nice location. It's the spot for the button for the optional automatic parking (which I have never gotten to work properly).
I think it was mostly used by smokers who could crack a window and let the smoke out. For normal driving in modern cars, especially with A/C,...
And the whole world is wondering why the USA is using such an enourmous amount of energy, on all fronts... :eek: Oh wait, they're sitting in their...
If you're lucky, some paper slid in the area of the speedometer. The display circuitboard sits horizontally and shines upward with a mirror...
Yes, but only from about 73 mph. Below that the maximum rpm of the engine is limited because MG1 is limited in speed. With MG1 limited at 10,000...
What suggestion did I make that was dangerous?
Why on earth would you disconnect the negative 12V and not the positive? That way you always keep a 12V potential on your car and when you ground...
Stopped reading there. Fake news.
Read the car's OBD-II data using an app to see what state the HV battery is. It might be empty, it might be toast, it might be perfect and there's...
I did notice that too when using hybrid assistant. Never knew it was deliberate. Always thought it was a bug. Still think it's a bug since using...
One single solar panel will never generate that kind of power. You're looking at about 300 Watt per normal sized (63"x39") household panel, on a...
195 F is where the engine wants to be. The thermostat will start to open at 180 F.
My OEM navigation does not do that. It calculates time based on the average speed in the settings. Of course when you drive faster, the time goes...
What navigation do you have? In the OEM Toyota navigation (like the B9016) there is setting for the average speed on 3 different road types. That...
I've been to the dealership with my problem and they say the only solution they have is to replace the LCD or the complete unit and should expect...
Hah, just wanted to open a post with the exact same issue. I have the B9016 satnav and the same problem. It looks like the alignment of the touch...
That feeling might be correct. The issue with the Prius HSD is that while the electric motor can run "backward" and supply the same power, the ICE...