Separate names with a comma.
Drifting is to racing what rap is to music...:D
Re: PCer's can rejoice The military hummer (the only REAL hummer, or the H1) hasn't been part of the GM inventory for a while. It was never a...
Only you can determine if you should still buy a Prius. Many on the board are unphased by all this. Some believe it is the end of Toyota. Others...
Toyoda’s testimony: Very humble. At least he is saying they will address systemic issues. The American CEO’s testimony: Arrogant....
Lexol makes a separate leather cleaner and leather conditioner. They are available in towelettes. I used this product for years on Italian, German...
Hey, I'll deliver! :D
Agreed again (I was taking the simplistic approach). That said, generally individual stockholders have little say in large corporations....
I think I would question his sincerity (get it? Question marks all over the suit? Huh? Huh?) But you should have taken the free money...
Taking it off the market - cannot afford to sell it (due to pay-off being so much higher than value) Prominent US lobbying firm drops Toyota as client By: The Associated Press | 22 Feb...
Oh, great, I've been FOUND OUT! I go to downtown Denver and solicit homeless to log on at the library and post as trolls just to get a rise out of...
Not if your hips are in need of replacement like mine :crutch:
I confess I worked really hard Thursday to trade off my Prius for a Honda Fit. In the end they wanted $6k cash to make the deal work. In 9 months,...
The closer you are to 60, the more jokes you get. If I watch it with a couple of friends, we can get all of them in almost every episode....
And that falls under one of the "secondary" purposes of a Corporation. Also, corporations will only spend extra money to be good corporate...
Hey, Seawolf, was it you that posted the "how to make the Prius Hood leather covers permanent" post recently? If so, you might want to post the...
The salesman's job is to sell the highest priced vehicle he can get the customer to take (to maximize profit). He has NO other job. As a...
As a non-fanatic, I have found there are two ways to improve your mileage: 1) radically change the way you drive, and drive the Prius completely...
We should not forget that Toyota is a public corporation, and the reason for a public corporation to exist is to make money for the stockholders...
I confess to F8L and dogfriend that I have about 48 hours of MST3K on tape. My favorite episode is "I Was A Teenager From Outer Space." Check out...