Separate names with a comma.
At the point I made that post, I had not seen that you repeated the battery switch. And I believe the first switch did NOT show a failure with the...
You already have done one test with exchanging the batteries and the problems all went away.....RIGHT ?? How much more proof do you need ?? All...
A critical part of that diagnostic procedure is: The 12 v system that runs all of the computer boards. To overlook that critical first step is...
No but there have been COUNTLESS posts where they had a whole slew of codes set and replacing the old 12 V battery made them all go...
What an absurd thing to say. I think you are almost unnecessary. :eek:
Too bad that it is 100% absolutely, positively backwards WRONG. (n) If the 12 V system supplying power to all the computers no longer has the...
And that is just being the "jump points" in that case are the battery posts.
BAD advice. Where exactly did you get that little tidbit of totally incorrect information ? It should be connected to it's charger every few...
Spend ~$20 on a small automatic tender type 12 V battery charger. Connect it at the "jump points", wherever that is for your model. Then don't...
A friend of mine just got one. Can you recommend a good online forum ?? Preferably one where you can READ all of the posts without actually joining.
You need to be careful with that. It is 2 years of service AT THE RECOMMENDED INTERVALS. most circumstances you will only get TWO free...
Why ?? Surely there are better things you can do with your time and money........aren't there ?? Your '05 model is probably near the end of it's...
We don't KNOW without actually SEEING what is happening........because your description is so confusing. And for the second part...........OK,...
And I think that you aren't thinking. He is obviously using the wrong terms to describe the problem.
No they aren't. He is talking about the TAIL LIGHTS. Please read all that he has posted......and think about it.
Not only that, but you don't get out what oil is trapped in the filter either. There are really near to ZERO situations where that is really...
Yes. What about that do you NOT understand ?? I thought that the recommendation went down to 5K miles or 6 months.
The most obvious cause of this is: Not turning the lights ON......and driving with DRLs only......or no lights at all. I have been guilty of...
SIGH. Right answer, wrong question. The fact that some owners don't know or don't bother to check the electrolyte level in a battery that needs...
I don't think that they recommend any such least not because of the different oils. Different change intervals are recommended for...