Separate names with a comma.
Start with ~ 6.2 kWh from the meter, sent to an empty battery End with ~ 5.5 kWh in the battery Use those ~ 5.5 kWh in the battery to travel 25...
Perhaps you should keep shopping; Or learn how to put some 'sweat equity' into a system. In my corner of the world a group has arisen that...
I think you mean total ENERGY expected over life of panels
What is unclear ? Point out the specific steps that are confusing
Have you ever wondered why petrol is not priced like electricity ? For example, $20 to activate the pump, Then $1 a gallon The main reason is...
If he was saying that a 10 kW system costs $15k then $1.5 per watt A watt typically produces somewhere in the range of 1.5 - 1.8 kWh a year...
NO NO NO NO You do have to pay fixed charges, but in any place I know of they are billed separately for residential electricity.
It shouldn't. You are comparing Apples to Fig Newton wrappers
If you had used 261 kWh of electricity, how much would your bill have been ? (Hint: it is not $58.22)
That is not obvious to me. I also drive in a 1M resident city and find the same. I agree though -- this marketing blitz touting one pedal driving...
As you can turn any EV into a two pedal car all the time, given the right driver.
Sure you can, and you can turn it on too. Just change the set-point temperature
NOT KW. The correct unit here is kWh. Watt is a unit of power watt*hour is a unit of energy 6.2 kWh per 25 miles already has the charging losses...
Do you mean 17 kWh per 100 Km ? That would be more consumption than EPA, which measured 25 miles per 6.2 kwh charge * Since 25 miles is ~ 40 Km,...
That is a YMMV based on traffic and driver behavior. I am pretty much a one pedal driver in a Prime unless I come to a complete stop. Not that I...
True, but I'm not sure why you mention it. Any cost comparison between electricity and petrol will be affected by changing prices for the energy.
As the Ferenghi like to say: "One for you, one hundred for me."
Sure. I see it all the time. Of course in those conditions a full charge approaches 40 miles range